Sunday, January 30, 2011

St. Cecilia Cathedral architecture & art

I had to dedicate another posting just to the architecture and art of this beautiful cathedral.

St. Cecilia flower festival

I was so excited for the St. Cecilia flower festival this weekend. I've been once before and it was so beautiful. This year I liked it even more, the theme was a tribute to their sister city in Mexico so it was very colorful! I especially like the arrangement on top that used tri-colored peppers mixed in with the flowers.

Sunday Jan. 30 -

Sunday Jan. 30 -

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Think spring!

I've been willing spring to come and to make myself feel better since it's not at all springy here yet I went to the Lauritzen Gardens indoor spring flower show the first day it opened. It was really nice and encouraging, filled with lots of tropical plants and flowers. I loved all the different colored and types of orchids they had!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Snow Snow!

Every once in while I really enjoy a snow day, so beautiful! And cozy... as long as you don't have to leave home.

Sunday, January 2, 2011